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New Voices Festival 2023

show poster for show New Voices Festival 2023, blue back ground with circle shapes in teal, pink and white

Produced by Manon Bourgeois and Avery Rose

Festival Production Manager, Annasofie Jakobsen

with guidance from Jennifer Tarver 

Christopher-Elizabeth: Festival Sound Designer

Kian Wong: Festival Lighting Designer

February 15th - 17th, 2023


Stale houses by Nathan Simpson follows a trio of soon to be ex-roommates on New Year’s Eve. Tensions rise when one of them confesses their love for another and the clock ticks ever closer to midnight.

Director - Landon Nesbitt

Playwright - Nathan Simpson

CAST: Kiara-Kumail, Avery De Gouveia, Jeffery Clement

CREW: Sam Alonzo, Ayden Elworthy, May Canning, Alyssa Duhaney, Sabrina Pye

poster image for show Stale Houses, cropped against a blue backdrop. broken bottles and toys in the foreground, book in the background
show poster for 'MUM' cropped against a teal background. MUM is wrtten in pink with chalky text and a reflection


In a world where individuals are quite literally running out of words, only one person knows how to save everyone—problem is, she ran out of words herself. In this story exploring the desperation and dangers of connection, her daughter Eden scours through her unresponsive mother's memories using music.

Playwright and Co-Director - Ali Farhadi

Co-Director - Kiara-Kumail

CAST: Elena Milo, Landon Nesbitt, Manon Bourgeois

CREW: Sofia Di Cicco, Robin Kadirgamar, Niall Durcan, Kate Chubbs, Manon Bourgeois, Evelyn Barber


Rationality is Dead (excerpt)

Quin, a 17 year old in foster care ends up getting hit by a car where they are stuck in their own brain.  Quin must find the exit to stay alive and return to their younger sibling, Charlie.  With the help of their daring tour guide, Waiter they try to find the exit to wake up before it’s too late.

Director and Playwright - Jade Tardif Da-Silva

CAST: Daibei Wang, Sarah McLinton, Ella Johnston, Nolan Byrne, Manon Bourgeois

CREW: Charlotte Carmichael, Kiara-Kumail, Daniella Browne, Ali Farhadi, Avery De Gouveia, Jaelynn Thora Brooks


show poster for 'Rationality is Dead' cropped against a pink background. There is a red door with yellow highlights and neon pink text that reads 'rationality is dead'
show poster for 'Monster Mash' cropped against a purple backdrop. Background is black and white stripes, there is a pink vampire mouth eating the words monster mash


Ever see a Mummy try to deliver a baby? Wanna know what happens when the Loch Ness Monster becomes the manager of your local subway franchise? Well too bad! None of that happens in this show… no for real, none of that happens in this show. If you wanna know what does you should probably get a ticket.

Co-creators - Ella Berger, Kendra Cordick, Jaelynn Thora Brooks

CAST: Ella Berger, Kendra Cordick, Jaelynn Thora Brooks

CREW: Bella Szpala, Kate Chubbs



Stall written by McKenzie Rose Somppi and directed by Tom Shoshani explores the modern day party life of college students and the relationship dynamics formed.  Taking place in the washroom of a house party, the vulnerability of a small space away from the liveliness of the party and allows time to be stalled and focused on the issues of these young adults.

Director - Tom Shoshani

Playwright - McKenzie Somppi

CAST: Jessica Konkle, Thea Hesler, Ayden Elworthy, Josh Palmer, Shailyn Pierre-Dixon

CREW: Annasofie Jakobsen, Avery De Gouveia, Irene Ly


show poster for show 'Stall' cropped against a teal background. An image of a bathroom wall painted green, with a mirror that has lipstick writing that reads 'stall'
show poster for show 'Dennys an Improvised Musical' cropped against a pink background. Image of a Denny's restaurant sign with the show title


At 8:44am on a Thursday, the lives of four people become irreversibly intertwined.

Director - Josh Palmer

Co-creators - Jeffery Clement, Josh Palmer, Ayden Elworthy

CAST: Jeffery Clement, Ayden Elworthy, Ella Berger, Jaelynn Thora Brooks, Kendra Cordick

CREW: Josh Palmer, Jeffery Clement, Ayden Elworthy, Ali Farhadi, Jaelynn Thora Brooks