Klaas J. Kraay
Professor, Philosophy Department |
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Edited Books:
God Matter? Essays on the Axiological Consequences of Theism (Routledge) Hardcover, 2018. Paperback, 2020.
[Introduction] |
and the Multiverse: Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological
(Routledge) Hardcover, 2015. Paperback, 2017. [Introduction]
(forthcoming) "Elgin's Community-Oriented Steadfastness." Synthese. |
(forthcoming) "Is Motivated Submaximization Good Enough for God?" Religious Studies.
(2019) "Theism, Pro-Theism, Hasker, and Gratuitous Evil." Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 9: 31-53. |
(2018) "One Philosopher's Bug can be Another's Feature: Reply to Almeida's 'Multiverse and Divine Creation'." Religions 9: 55-63. |
(2016) "God and Gratuitous Evil (Part II)."
Compass 11: 913-922. |
(2016) "God and Gratuitous Evil (Part I)."
Compass 11: 905-912. |
(2014) "Peter
van Inwagen on Gratuitous Evil." Religious Studies 50:
217-234. |
(2014) "Perspectives
and Positions in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion." Toronto
Journal of Theology 30: 132-140. |
(2013) "Method
and Madness in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion." Toronto
Journal of Theology 29: 245-264.
(2013) "On
Preferring God's Non-Existence." Canadian
Journal of Philosophy 43: 157-178.
[Co-authored with C. Dragos]. |
(2013) "Can
God Satisfice?"
American Philosophical
Quarterly 50:
(2013) "Megill's
Multiverse Meta-Argument." International Journal for
Philosophy of Religion 73:
235-241. |
(2011) "Theism and Modal
Collapse." American Philosophical
Quarterly 48: 361-372. |
(2011) "Incommensurability,
Incomparability, and God's Choice of a World." International Journal for
Philosophy of Religion 69:
91-102. |
(2010) "Theism,
Possible Worlds, and the Multiverse." Philosophical Studies
147: 355-368. |
(2008) "Creation,
World-Actualization, and God's Choice Among Possible Worlds."
Philosophy Compass
3: 854-872. |
(2007) "Divine
Unsurpassability." Philosophia
2013] |
(2007) "Absence
Evidence and Evidence of Absence."
Faith and Philosophy
24: 203-228. |
(2006) "God
and the Hypothesis of No Prime Worlds." International Journal for
Philosophy of Religion 59: 49-68. |
(2005) "William
L. Rowe's A Priori Argument for Atheism."
Faith and
Philosophy 22: 211-234. |
(2005) "Theistic
Replies to the A Priori Argument for Atheism."
8: 22-36.
2010] |
(2003) "Philo's Argument for Divine Amorality Reconsidered."
Hume Studies 29:
(2002) "Externalism,
Memory, and Self-Knowledge."
Erkenntnis 56: 297-317. |
(forthcoming) "Contemporary Analytic Thought: 1950-Present." In Taliaferro, C., and Goetz, S. [Eds.], The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Philosophy of Religion.
(2018) "Invitation to the Axiology of Theism." In Kraay, K. [Ed.] Does God Matter? Essays on the Axiological Consequences of Theism,
Routledge, 1-36. |
(2012) "The Theistic Multiverse: Problems and Prospects." In Nagasawa,
Y. [Ed.], Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of
Palgrave MacMillan,
143-162. |
(2010) "The Problem of No Best World."
Taliaferro, C., Draper, P., and Quinn, P. [Eds.], A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, 2nd
ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 481-491. |
(2008) "Can
God Choose a World at Random?" In Wielenberg, E.,
Nagasawa, Y. [Eds.],
Waves in Philosophy of Religion, Palgrave
MacMillan, 22-35.
Annotated Bibliographies:
(2014) "God and Possible Worlds." Oxford
Bibliographies Online
with A. Chantler and K. Lougheed]. |
(2013) "The Problem of Divine Hiddenness." Oxford
Bibliographies Online.
Article for Non-Specialist
(2015) "Analytic Philosophy and Christian Theism." The Critique, April 5th. |
in Progress:
The Axiology of Theism. (Under contract with Cambridge's Elements in Philosophy of Religion series.)
Updates and revisions to "Divine Freedom", in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
"Can God be Free?" For Filozofuj! (This is a Polish philosophy magazine for high-school students.)
Updates to "The Problem of Divine Hiddenness." Oxford
Bibliographies Online. |
Recent Externally-Funded
Research Projects:
"Theism: An Axiological Investigation" [John Templeton Foundation] |
(2005-2008) "Theism, Evil, and Religious
[SSHRC Standard Research Grant] |
Recent Conferences Organized: